Unless otherwise stated, an inner product space will be here either real orthogonal or complex Hermitian. Thus, we can assume that the inner product of a vector, \(v\), with itself, \((v,v)\), is real. In the case that the space \(V\) has a positive definite inner product, then \((v,v)>0\) for any non-zero \(v\) and we can define the length or norm of a vector \(v\) to be
This is a genuine norm, since, as defined, \(\norm{av}=\abs{a}\norm{v}\), \(\norm{v}=0\) implies \(v=0\) and, as we’ll see shortly, \(\norm{v+w}\leq\norm{v}+\norm{w}\).
If, on the other hand, \(V\) has only a non-degnerate inner product, there can exist non-zero vectors, \(v\), with \((v,v)\leq0\). In this case, we could define
but should note that this is, of course, no longer properly called a norm.
In the positive definite case, we have the important Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
Theorem (Cauchy-Schwarz inequality) In a positive definite inner product space, \(V\), for any vectors \(v,w\in V\),\begin{equation}
with equality if and only if \(v\) and \(w\) are linearly dependent.
Proof The statement is trivially true when \((v,w)=0\). Assuming \((v,w)\neq0\), so that \(v\neq0\) and \(w\neq0\), for any complex number \(a\) we consider the inner product of the vector \(v-aw\) with itself. Then,\begin{equation*}
with equality if and only if \(v=aw\), so that choosing
we have
so that
from which the result follows after taking square roots.\(\blacksquare\)
This means that we can define the angle, \(\theta\), \(0\leq\theta\leq\pi/2\) between two vectors, \(v\) and \(w\), in a real orthogonal or complex Hermitian space through,
The triangle inequality,
follows by considering the square of the left hand side and using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,
then taking the square root.
Similarly, a couple of variants of the triangle inequality can be obtained by considering the square of the difference of norms,
so that taking square roots we obtain
or alternatively
so that taking square roots we obtain
A further simple consequence of the definition of the norm in terms of the positive definite inner product is the parallelogram identity,
which in \(\RR^2\) expresses the fact that the sum of the squared lengths of the diagonals of a parallelogram is equal to twice the sum of the squared lengths of the sides.
We have seen that specifying a positive definite symmetric or Hermitian inner product, \((\cdot,\cdot)\), on a vector space, \(V\), over respectively \(\RR\) or \(\CC\) implies the existence of a norm \(\norm{\cdot}\) on \(V\). That is, real orthogonal and complex Hermitian spaces in which the inner product is positive definite are normed vector spaces. In the other direction, given a normed vector space, \(V\), over \(\RR\), in which the norm, \(\norm{\cdot}\), satisfies the parallelogram identity, \eqref{equ:parallelogram}, we can define a positive definite symmetric inner product as
(u,v)=\frac{1}{4}\left(\norm{u+v}^2-\norm{u-v}^2\right).\label{equ:norm inner product}
Notice that this definition ensures that \(\norm{v}=\sqrt{(v,v)}\). Also, since by the parallelogram identity,
applying the triangle inequality, which the norm satisfies by definition, then leads to the Cauchy-Schwarz identity. To confirm that \eqref{equ:norm inner product} defines a genuine inner product on \(V\) we must check \eqref{inprod-linear}. Using the parallelogram identity we have,
That is,
so \((u,v+w)=(u,v)+(u,w)\). Next, observe that the definition makes it clear that, \((u,-v)=-(u,v)\), so that,
\((u,nv)=n(u,v)\), for any integer \(n\). It is then easy to see that we must have, \((u,qv)=q(u,v)\), for any \(q\in\QQ\), so that for any \(a\in\RR\) and \(q\in\QQ\),
by Cauchy-Schwartz, and we have that \((u,av)=a(u,v)\) for any \(a\in\RR\).
In the case of a normed vector space, \(V\), over \(\CC\), in which the norm once again satisfies the parallelogram identity we can define a positive definite Hermitian inner product as
The proof that this defines a genuine inner product on \(V\) proceeds as for the real case, the only difference being the real and complex parts are treated separately.